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Engineering Fair Brno 2020


Invitation to the international engineering fair Brno 2020
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The firm Alema Ltd. arised in 1992 by privatisation of a part of the enterprise Tesla Lanskroun Inc. and in this way it became the owner of the tool shop of Tesla Lanskroun, with extensive production areas included. Alema Ltd. further developed this great tradition of toolmaking in Lanskroun reaching back to the forties of the last century and rendered it a base of its entrepreneur strategy.

Successive building of centres of metal stamping, plastic injection moulding and assemblies expanded the firm activity. In 1997 the tool shop was made independent and under designation UNIPLUS Tool Shop Ltd. became part of the company Alema Lanškroun Ltd.

The steady entrepreneurial strategy of the firm consists in providing the customers with direct participation and co-operation in design and construction of parts and semi-products, further construction of injection moulds or cutting or forming tools, their complete manufacturing, making samples and in co-operation with the company ALEMA Lanskroun Inc. even in production of metal parts and mouldings, along with assuring of the assembly of produced parts if need be.


We put emphasis on meeting the quality management system requirements and requirements of our clients, both in terms of maintaining the production quality and meeting delivery deadlines. In order to meet this aim, we use modern production planning and management methods, modern management methods of inspection activities, as well as development of inspection workplaces by new measurement and control equipment.

By complying with the requirements of the quality system, Alema successfully defends the ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2015 certificate (except point 8.3 product design and development) at division TOOL SHOP and ELECTROMECHANICAL ASSEMBLY, division INJECTION MOULDING and STAMPING are certified acc. to IATF 16949 without product development acc. to point 8.3 due to the fact that we do not develop new products, but we work with assignments from the customer (drawings).

Certificates ISO

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Contact address

ALEMA Lanškroun s.r.o.
Dvořákova 328
Lanškroun 563 01
Česká republika

Komplexní služby
Copyright © 2025 ALEMA Lanškroun s.r.o.